As organizations migrate to the cloud, they need information security professionals who are cloud savvy and well-versed in the broad set of policies, procedures, controls, and technologies utilized to protect virtualized IP, data, applications, services, and the associated infrastructure of third-party data centers. Cloud security architecture is effective only if the correct defensive controls are implemented. Our independent security risk assessments and audits will evaluate your provider’s posture and produce a clear and recognizable trail of activity and resource access at the organizational level.
Cloud security breaches and incidents are now more commonplace than ever. According to the 2021 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR), in 2020, 73% of cyberattacks involved cloud assets, compared to only 27% in the previous year.
Cloud security management can be difficult for security teams used to an on-premise legacy system and traditional cybersecurity assessment practices can be challenging to scale, making it difficult to determine the security of your cloud-hosted data. The hackers know this, and they will exploit the vulnerabilities and weaknesses of unpatched software, weak passwords, soft perimeter security, and resulting in active management of your cloud environment that occur when assets aren’t analyzed and monitored effectively.
Independent reviews are critical, and cloud audits performed by credentialed auditors
will typically surface significant security and/or compliance shortcomings.
We will customize your cloud security audit to the scope of your environment, industry, and size of your organization, reviewing security policies and protocols and incorporating security best practices in each domain. We have the knowledge to develop an effective, holistic cloud security program based on your shared responsibility model and crafted to your organization’s needs. RedPenSec’s certified cloud auditors will ensure your cloud infrastructure is aligned with globally accepted security standards, with a thorough examination to:
Review your governance strategy and management plan for alignment between the ever-changing cloud landscape and your business goals, and help you incorporate effective changes
Identify any gaps in your internal controls, weaknesses, and regulatory deficiencies that could adversely affect the organization
Detect cloud-related risks and verify that the appropriate mitigations have been put in place
Review the Contract(s) and Service Level Agreements (SLA) between you and your cloud provider for compliance, and assess their security postures for alignment with your organizations business requirements and relevant standards
Confirm that your Identity and Access Management System (IAM) is properly incorporated within your cloud environment
Assess the security of your network perimeter and recommend steps and services to reduce your attack surface
Verify encryption controls, key controls, and Data Loss Prevention (DLP) policies to best protect your data at every level
Validate compliance with applicable data privacy regulations such as HIPAA, PCI, GDPR, CCPA and NYSHIELD
RedPenSec’s cloud auditors are certified by ISC2 and the Cloud Security Alliance and keep up to date
on the latest standards, rapidly changing security threats & security enhancements to best
inform and protect your organization in the cloud.
Our cloud security specialists have an in-depth understanding of the full capabilities of cloud computing and the knowledge to effectively develop a holistic cloud security program aligned to the goals and infrastructure of your organization. We know the best practices for IAM, cloud incident response, application security, data encryption, emerging technologies and can assess the security of cloud providers using cloud-specific governance, ENISA Recommendations and Cloud Controls Matrix.

“From our initial consultation to ongoing discussions after delivery of the final report, the team at RedPenSec exceeded our expectations! They took the time to learn and understand both our technical and cultural environments and crafted a compliance program that fit our current needs and will be scalable to our future goals. As our trusted advisors and security partners, they were fully invested in the process and available whenever we needed them.”
Medical Technology Firm - Chief Information Security Officer